24 Days of Kindness

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24 Days of Kindness

HOLY HANNAH! Where has the time gone!? Can you believe we've almost made it to December?

We are getting to the time of year where we begin reflecting on the last trip around the sun. I for one can think of countless things that made me smile in the last year... But its not over yet which means there is still time to make someone else smile too.

Something else that tends to happen this time of year is stress; getting a gift for everyone on your list, cleaning every nook and cranny before company gets to your house and the list goes on and on... 

What if instead, we focused on the little things you can do for others? It doesn't have to be some big, grand gesture. Just a little something each day! Here's some ideas we've gathered up that are guaranteed to put you in the spirit of the season!

  1. Give up your spot in line.

  2. Donate money to an organization you participate in.

  3. Pay for someone else’s coffee.

  4. Send cards to service men and women.

  5. Tell jokes to make someone smile.

  6. Donate food to your food bank.

  7. Donate pet supplies to the shelter.

  8. Help someone do a chore or other job.

  9. Do yard work or shovel for a neighbor.

  10. Donate books you no longer need.

  11. Pick up litter.

  12. Donate to a charity (our personal favorite is Old Souls Animal Rescue & Retirement Home)

  13. Leave a popcorn surprise for strangers to find.

  14. Donate toys to a children’s hospital.

  15. Donate a pair of new pajamas for foster kids.

  16. Put money in the Salvation Army bucket.

  17. Make get well cards for someone who needs them.

  18. Bring coffee to your teachers.

  19. Make holiday decorations for others.

  20. Donate meals to No Kid Hungry.

  21. Make ornaments for your neighbors.

  22. Donate new toys to Toys for Tots.

  23. Feed the birds.

  24. Candy cane bomb a parking lot.



What other ideas can you think of? We'd love to add to this list!

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